Fluid/Oil refilling

Matt Evans

I know these questions have probably already been covered, but I can't find the info that I want anywhere.

(a) What is the correct ratio for the coolant mixture, and is there any particular way of reflling the coolant system e.g. to avoid air locks etc?

(b) Where is the filler plug for the transfer box, and how do I know if I've over filled it?

(c) Is the a special cv grease I have to use, or can I just use whatever my local motor factors has in stock?

Any info on the above would be fantastic.

Fast Guy

Staff member
The filer plug is on the drivers side of the tranfer box, above the driveshaft somewhere. It's a square drive(1/2 inch I think) plug. Fill to spill and you'll be ok.

You can buy tubs of cv grease from most places (motor factors/halfords)