Flu Injections - what a load of sh1t!


Active Member
Ok, picture the scene.

The company which you work for is providing flu jabs free of charge. More than likely they're doing this in an attempt to cut levels of sickness over the winter, buts a decent enough offer - so you decide to get one.

The jab stings a bit, and your arm goes slightly tender, but its nothing to worry about - you return to your desk and get on with your work.

The next day, you wake up and feel like absolute death :roll: Your head hurts, your joints are aching, you're tired, lethargic, irritable etc - no, you're not on your period... you've got f0oking Flu :evil: :evil: :roll:

Thats right gents (and ladies) - in an effort to avoid getting the shittest of all illnesses this year, I've managed to get infected with it by a doctor of all people :evil: :cry:

Now if thats not gheyer than a ghey thing - I don't know what is :roll:



the flu jab usually does give you flu :lol:

i had it once

will never have it again! waste of time!


New Member
:lol: :lol: It's a joke isn't it!

I think they do it so they know exactly when everybody will be off with the flu, you are then left with no excuses for the rest of the winter :roll:


Active Member
I just think its a load of arse :roll: :lol: The email that came out said no side effects...




Staff member
I have to have it done as ive got asthma - my arm's fo ok ing huge, got all the side effects, lovely jubbly. :(

Here at RAC theyre giving it away for free soon too.



Active Member
Mark_GTiR said:
They offered this in our firm too... thanks for the warning mate!
Not a problem fella, I'll update for the next few days - because if its only a day or two it might be worth it to prevent you getting as ill over the winter. However right now, I'm thinking it wasn't :lol:



New Member
paz said:
I just think its a load of bottom :roll: :lol: The email that came out said no side effects...

NO SIDE EFFECTS MY ROSY RED favourite :evil:

You've got it writing that theres no side effects. So don't be trying to wangle any time off. :lol:
Are you sure you're not a suvverner?


Active Member
:lol: If was trying to wangle it, I'd be gone now ;)

And as for the southerner thing… to quote my friend Max ''how dare you''! :eek: :lol: L



im making neil have one this year

as he was really ill in feb he nearly died

so a few rough days is worth it for him :)

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
you f u c k i n g wimp!!

little old people across the country are being given exactly the same jab as you and they' re still getting up at 4am to do the hoovering :roll: that includes my oap mum and disabled step father neither of which are suffering in any way like you describe :roll:

i suggest you have a cold shower and get yourself a spine!......hardman rugby player my ar5e :lol:

there' s no way you could be a southerner i refuse to accept it, your northerner through and through :roll: :wink: :lol:


Active Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
you f u c k i n g wimp!!

little old people across the country are being given exactly the same jab as you and they' re still getting up at 4am to do the hoovering :roll: that includes my oap mum and disabled step father neither of which are suffering in any way like you describe :roll:

i suggest you have a cold shower and get yourself a spine!......hardman rugby player my ar5e :lol:

there' s no way you could be a southerner i refuse to accept it, your northerner through and through :roll: :wink: :lol:
:lol: Cram it up your a.r.s.e mincebucket - as you should be aware, symptoms and the way the human body reacts to illness are different for everyone :roll: :wink:

Plus, if they're ''being given'' (future tense) the flu jab and ''are still getting up at 4am to do the hoovering'' (present tense) there is no reason for them to be affected yet - as according to you, they've not yet been given the jab :roll: :lol: :wink:


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
'given' as in its happening across the country as we speak :wink: they had theirs on tuesday btw.....no grizzeling :wink:

tbh she gets up around 5am iirc but thats only to let the cat/dog out :roll: