Fixed Turbo Hose Routing, now turbo not spooling quickly as before


Active Member
Hi everybody,
in a bit of a confused mo-fo at the moment.

after getting a hks ssqv off pulsar bobby i used the original vac pipe on top of the original dv, blocked the recirc hose going to the intake tube and then put on the ssqv.
went for a drive and it just wasn`t making a sound.

I then set to work and found, using this guide i found on here, that my vac/turbo hoses were routed incorrectly. this is how they should be, i`ve put in black at the side where they were when i found them on my car:

The three pipes in order (top to bottom) on the air chamber (underneath the manifold):
Top - goes to a T piece in the shape of a "Y". One goes to the fuel pressure regulator and the other goes to the boost pressure sensor located on the inside of the n/s front wing. THIS WAS OK, BUT HAD THE DIVERTER VALVE VACUUM PIPE PLUMBED INTO IT


Bottom - goes to the carbon canister (black unit above the fuel filter). THIS WAS ROUTED OK

On the carbon canister you have 3 pipes as follows:
Top (thin pipe) - goes to the vac pipe near the throttle position trigger/sensor. THIS WAS ROUTED FINE
Bottom left - goes to a small hole located in your chassis leg and is vented to atmosphire.THIS WAS ON THE BOTTOM BOTTOM RIGHT

Bottom right goes to the air chamber as described in the above. THIS WAS ON THE BOTTOM LEFT

Next step i did was to route the hoses correctly:

So then i unblocked the DV valve vacum line and attached it to the hks ssqv.

i removed the T piece that attached the previous dv line vacuum and put in a fresh piece of hose (now just goes straight to the boost sensor in the wing)

Swapped the hoses around on the carbon filter to match the above instructions.

Next! :?
Went out for a drive and the hks ssqv was hapily chirping away on full boost .
However, on occations when i put my foot down the turbo won`t fully spool until about 3.5-4k revs. It feels like it used to spool lower. once it spools it hapily goes to the 1 bar my hks evc is set to.
It also idles different to before. it hapilly sat at 1.5k before and ticked over with only slight dull popping. now it searches alot more than before. idles hot at around 1.6k but at cold it idles at 1k but the dull popping is more evident.

I changed the plugs, fuel filter, dizzy and leads about a month ago.
fault code check is 55

Any ideas what could be causing it? i`m guessing its something to do with the re routing of the hoses but i`ve triple checked and everything is now as per the guide above. It was fine before i route the hoses right :der:

Could the pipes before have been blocked off for a reason?

sorry for moaning on, thanks in advance for any help

ollie :thumbsup:


Active Member
yeah double checked they were all tight, the only place i couldn`t check was behind the intake manifold where the black box is (with the blocked pipe being stuffed down the side and i`m now wondering if it is split.)
is the only way of accessing this by taking off the manifold? if so will i need to get a gasket set?


if you have changed the vaccuum pipe to the actuator you may have to relearn the boost controller. Be sure you have checked all other routes first tho.



just out of curiosity ollie, why not borrow another dv off someone to make 100% sure that ones ok. was working fine on car it came from and the hks dv's rarely play up, but if your car was working fine with the standard recirc then i cant see why it shouldnt be the same with an atmospheric dv fitted!
so if prob is still there with another known goodun then there has got to be a pipe off or an airleak somewhere in that system.


Active Member
well the car was working ok with the standard dv although with the routing it had before i put the ssqv in then i`m not sure if it was working at all. i`m going to check the vacuum system for leaks tomorrow then i`ll relearn the ebc. i`ll update after!