first breakage..



was driving along a bypass, doin about 4000rpm and not really booting it. Next thing i know, all power goes. I pull over, the cars backfiring and keeps stalling. It will rev up when its not in gear and pulling a load, but is chucking loads of black sh*te out of the exhaust.When driving it wont go above 1800rpm and is running like an sack of sh*t and constantly wanting to stall. :evil:
I got me trusty paperclip out and done the fault test and its coming up as error 34. Do These symptoms sound bout rite for DET being knackered? The only reason is that I just put a blitz sus filter on that day, and altho I was really careful with the MAF, I just thought it was a bit to coinidental that the car packs in on the same day, if you see what I mean. How can I check its not the wiring for the DET sensor?The cars undriveable at the mo, so i got to get a garage to pick it up.

Thansk in advance!




Could well be the MAF mate. Check the connections to the MAF first and ensure they are clipped in nice and tight.


Had a look at that already. It all back in place. Im just wondering why its giving error 34 if its the MAF?


Sounds like its the det sensor then, and your car is in 'limp home mode', although all the black smoke suggests its overfueling badly and looks like a MAF fault... :?



Code 3,4 means the DET Sensor itself or the wiring to it is faulty.

If the MAF isn't working as well as it should then this won't show up as a fault. It only shows up if the MAF completely stops working or the wiring (connections) are faulty.

Feel free to corret me if I'm wrong. :)


New Member
Do you have any air leaks on the car that you dont know of, causing this sudden loss of power and black smoke??

Try fitting the standard filter back on and see if that puts it right, if not then try the DET sensor as its obviously picking up a fault on it somewhere.

Let us know how you get on.

Ant. :wink:


Active Member
antgtir said:
paz said:
Do you have any air leaks on the car that you dont know of
FPMSL - you god like person :lol: :roll: ;)

Lol, it wasn't really a question it was more of a direction to look for them :p wake up you numpty :p :wink: :lol:

Ant. :roll:
I'm the numpty eh - did I manage to post twice instead of edit? :lol: ;)



PMSL at you lot! :D Had a quick look over all the hoses and they seem to be intact and on correct.No air leaks that I didnt know about :D The car isnt in limp home mode I dont think cause its runnin that bad (it wont even limp). The garage I bought it off are taking it in and doin it under warrantee, so it should save my wallet and my finely moistured hands a bashing.Thanks for the responses tho, probably just as well I braced myself for this sort of thing before I bought it! I already had some scrote try and car jack me the other nite and ive only had it 4 days! Anyone else find these cars seem to be a magnet for unwanted attention?


New Member
andy123 said:
PMSL at you lot! :D Had a quick look over all the hoses and they seem to be intact and on correct.No air leaks that I didnt know about :D The car isnt in limp home mode I dont think cause its runnin that bad (it wont even limp). The garage I bought it off are taking it in and doin it under warrantee, so it should save my wallet and my finely moistured hands a bashing.Thanks for the responses tho, probably just as well I braced myself for this sort of thing before I bought it! I already had some scrote try and car jack me the other nite and ive only had it 4 days! Anyone else find these cars seem to be a magnet for unwanted attention?
Yes lol, you get the little twats trying to race you in their 1.0l jobbies, i just lmao off and let the imbociels *spelling :roll: :lol: * pass. :lol:

Make sure they do sort it mate as you will only pay later, litterally with blood no doubt lol :lol:

Goodluck, Ant.

P.s. Paz i thought i would spell it out for you twice as i know your getting a tad slow in your old age :p :lol: :wink:


Active Member
If thats the case, you spelt the second quote wrong... where it says 'god' it should say 'p e n i s' :roll: :lol: :p



PS paz. I put 17s on the other day with no probs or chaffage, even with car full.


Active Member
Yup, lots of people have them fella as they go straight on. Quite remarkable when you think the R originally came with 14's :lol:



New Member
andy123 said:
PS paz. I put 17s on the other day with no probs or chaffage, even with car full.
Are you sure that isn't "chavage" lol :lol: :p :wink:


P.s. Paz, i think you will find my version is the correct one, or so im told anyway :p :lol:


hang on a minuet, no shit, u nearly got carjacked??!!?!?!?
feckin hell!


ITs all sorted now :D . Put a new det sensor and HT leads on and reset the ECU, and its running sweet as a nut now. Well happy! :D And as for getting car jacked, some ugly ar*e that looked like he'd been used as a football for the first 3 years of his life stuck his hand thru the window when I was in a car park and tried ragging the keys out of the ignition :evil: . Fortunately years of inbreeding must have taken its toll on the fat doll dossers intelligence as he didnt notice the push button release under the key barrel. I managed to force his arm back out of the window before his braincell had time to warm up. I would love to say that I did a bruce lee style 1 inch punch on him, but id be tellin porkys. I didnt really see him comin up so I just bricked when this arm came thru the window.Hes put 2 dents on the drivers door where his knees were pushin the car when he was tryin to force the keys out. Since that Ive started carrying my crook lock on the passenger seat. Didnt expect that after only havin it 4 days!Never mind ay :D