Finally got my uprated KYB's from Japan


New Member
They turned up just recently after about 2 months of waiting :twisted:

Can't wait to get them fitted as the rear shocks have been borked since I got the car last December :doh:

Anybody interested in getting some themselves? Here's a closer shot showing the part no's on the boxes.

These aren't adjustable, you'll need the Super streets for that, but I've been told by both the importer and KYB UK that they're out of production now.

One word of advice however, make sure you open and check inside before signing for the consignment; if you order any as KYB's packaging is pathetic.


Active Member
Didnt think you could still buy any uprated KYB's. How much did they set you back? And who got them for you?

davey red.r

New Member
hi mate just wait till you have them fitted after having broken strut for a while,as i had for months then got gabs fitted was like a go cart compared to what it had been,spend 60quid and get your toe alighment, tracking, castor angles, four wheel laser alighment,done,be best 60quid you spend.



Active Member
I've got a set of superstreets on mine, and I love em. They are a very credible alternative to coilovers! (if you can find em ;))


New Member
animaldaz said:
Didnt think you could still buy any uprated KYB's. How much did they set you back? And who got them for you?
You can if you're willing to wait a month or so for them to turn-up from Japan.
To be fair though, a large part of the delay was due to some unexpected stupidity on the part of their supplier, which since me ordering these has just changed.

Got mine from Mike at Camskill, cost £170 inc. VAT a corner.

Compared to £166.15 for the standard dealer parts, not too bad. Although expensive if you compare them to cheap coilovers. :x

That's what I'm hoping. :-D

Although they'll only be able to do the toe adjustement of course, due to Nissan's lame OE top-mounts and strut mounts not providing camber or castor adjustment. Grrrrrr :evil:

I was considering Gab's, but couldn't find any available brand-new anymore, I'm assuming yours are second-hand right?


I'm envious.
I would have liked to get some of these, but as I said they're no longer available brand-new.
As I've got to pay to get them fitted, IMO it's not worth the risk of getting second-hand ones. After all you'll never know how many miles they'll last.

I'm just hoping the damper-rates set on these won't be too firm for fast-road use, will let you all know once they're fitted.


Active Member
JARS PulsR said:
Although they'll only be able to do the toe adjustement of course, due to Nissan's lame OE top-mounts and strut mounts not providing camber or castor adjustment. Grrrrrr :evil:
You could always get a set of cusco pillowball topmounts, these will only slightly increase the ride height. Alternatively, i've got some Tein pillowball topmounts coupled with some lowered springs to counteract the increase in ride height. I find these work quite well, although I'm off for a track day next month so will know a bit more then! :D