Finally a result



After being jerked :shock: around for the best part of two weeks i've accepted a settlement figure of £4k for my stolen R. How a vehicles market value can change from £1k to £4k like that is beyond me.

Unfortunately due to the loss of some ncb i want be replacing the R with another :cry: but i think i'll save some cash for a while and get one at a later date. I'd just like to thank those of you that gave me advice and shared technical knowledge with me to keep me moving when i was having trouble. It's bye from me but i'd like to think i'll be back 8)

I am a bit disappointed i didn't get to send the letter i wrote to them :) but if you fancy a read i'll let you have a little look :D

"I write in response to recent communication regarding the disputed sum for the valuation of my motor vehicle.

I confirm I do not accept the final settlement proposed by yourselves.

I have become increasingly frustrated by the service provided. After several weeks of no communication I was sent a cheque for £850 without any justification or information stating where this amount had been calculated for a car insured with a value of £4500. When questioned I was informed I must justify the vehicles value. I believe information provided by myself justifies my valuation of the vehicle:

• purchase receipt
• letter from the dealer advising a replacement cost
• numerous examples for sale in the current market

Following receipt of this comprehensive information yet again I receive another cheque for that takes the settlement figure to £3300 with my excess of £150 to be deducted. This is still way below market value and it is stated in my policy documents that in total loss situations market value will be used to calculate the settlement. The figure proposed is again sent without any justification or examples from the market to back it up.

I am still unaware how the “market value” used by yourselves can change from £850 to £3300 following a questioning phone call from myself.

I find the situation very stressful as I have not only had my vehicle stolen but I feel I am being dealt with in an unfair manner having provided more than enough information which I believe is way beyond my necessary involvement.

I chose to Insure the vehicle with ****** instead of a rival that provided a very similar quote as I believed you to be a reputable company but recent events have caused me to question my decision.

I enclose copies of the information sent to justify the vehicle value.

Should I not receive satisfactory communication in response to this letter I will be contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service regarding the matter.

Yours faithfully

Jonathan Torr"

I reckon that would have ruffled some feathers???!!!!!


Active Member
Top stuff mate , glad you ended up with a more reasonable payout offer for your R.

Hope to hear from you again in the future (armed with another Pulsar) :D