few problems - maybe related?



Heya mates

As you know my "R" is havin a few problems with a few things .. i've sorted the knocking from the wheels by putting new shocks on .. whoohoo! .. but i'm afraid that's basicly it .. everythin else is still buggered.

first off - Power Problems & Overheating.

this is what i think might be losing me so much power loss (I still have the top mount intercooler) but the engines runs f***** hot .. I've changed the thermostat .. but it still runs on the first white line on the temp gauge .. and if i even think about putting my foot to the deck .. she's imediatly up to the second white line .. even out of town i have to keep pulling over to let the thing cool, which isn't funny.

but just before, i switched my dump valve .. and when it came to taking my intercooler off .. the thing was red hot .. just after a short run to my garage (about a mile's worth of driving) .. so i assume im suffering severe heat soak as my engines running far too hot .. would this cause it to be so much slower? .. for example the straight i usualy test my car on .. i used to get to about 125mph before havin to back off for corners.. it now varies between 90 - 100 .. it's feels like a golf Gti .. running on 3 cylinders :cry:

so to try an sort the overheating .. I've noticed my fans don't come on .. i did do another thread about this but i'll use this one to answer .. the fans don't come on when i press the Air con .. the fans aren't seased .. i can't find the fan switch or sensor .. (i was told their was a sensor that looks like a 10ml bolt with like a wire coming off it - anyone know where this is or does it even have one?) .. I've tried wiriing up the fans from the positive on the battery straight to the fans live .. but it still doesn't come on .. if it did i was just gonna wire it up to a switch in the car so i could switch it on and off myself .. but no such luck. ..
I checked all my in car fuses .. all are fine .. and i've done an ECU check .. and all is fine .. i just can't think what is stopping them come on.. i feel like headbutting it

Power loss - I've tried varios things .. i've changed the fuel pump .. fuel filter .. put a new induction kit on it .. ECU check again is fine .. im stumped! .. the only thing i can think is the heat soak .. i'm going to have a go at front mounting next weekend ... so that should sort it .. unless someone has any ideas what else could be losing my power?

last but not least - the front mounting - i assume by the pictures of the intercooler mods .. is you've just cut off where the pipes attach to it .,. and welded them to the sides .. and welded up the left over holes? ..
but what else i noticed in the pic in comparison to mine .. is the front radiator .. when i look at the front of mine .. theirs like 2 radiators .. i assume one is for like oil cooling or something? and the other is the main radiator .. does the radiator at the front need to be removed to fit the intercooler? and if so is that what the extra radiator lookin thing is in the picture in the "how to front mount" section?

help me turn this skoda back into an "R" :lol:


New Member
your car shouldnt be that bad even with teh top mount

what do u mean by "2nd white line on the guage"? it should sit ata bout 80-90degree thats fine :?:


I'm not sure if we've got the same gauges .. but if you look at your temprature gauge .. mines got 2 lines at the end near "hot" .. ones fat which is the hotter .. ones thin which is slightly before it .. i haven't got anythin that tells me the actual temprature .. but it usualy sits (on a good day) just underneath the first white line before "too hot" ... other than that .. its in between the 2 lines .. i've searched for a pic but can't find one .. but its practicly at the end of the temp gauge

but believe me mate .. it IS that slow .. i can't figure out why tho .. i was hopin it was going to be due to the "heat soak"

Fast Guy

Staff member
Has it always been like this or has it started after any work?

Assuming you are over heating, check you don't have an air lock if the system it you've recently changed your thermostat.
If it was over heating before, then it could still be an airlock, but suspect your water pump as a possibility.
Also make sure your water lever in the radiator is full and then the expansion tank too.
If you are over heating badly that could cause you to lose power due to heat build up, but also due to the engine sensing det and retarding your ignition timing and boost.
The 2 radiators are water and air con. Air con being the furthest forward.


New Member
thougth u were talkigna botu oil temp sorry mind was else where lol

as suggested prb air lock? or pump, id assume the pump


Active Member
oh and those 2 rads at the front, ones for the air con.

If your fans don't work when you connect a live from the battery, they are either shagged or the earth connection is buggered. Use a multimeter and check both the continuity to chassis earth and the resistance on the earth wire on each fan. If it shows high resistance or no continuity, run a new earth cable to the fans.

But the engine shouldn't be running that hot anyway. What Oil Temp do you get on the gauge in the centre pod?

GeeTee 8)


Fast Guy - ever since i had the engines swapped .. its run hot .. i was told to just change the thermostat .. i did and no luck.

I know that the water pump hasn't packed up because their is a complete water flow .. but i will try flushing out the radiator see if theirs anythin stuck in their.
I'm not 100% what the "det" sensor is .. whats det stand for? :oops:

GeeTee - It was just me bieng an idiot again :p .. i was connecting up the fans wrong .. they do work when connected to the battery .. so what i've done now is wired up my fans to a switch inside the car so i can switch them on an off when i like .. but this is the annoying bit .. even with the fans on constantly .. its still running way to hot .. the fans have made no diffrence whatsoever .. and they are definatly spinning the right way .. stumped.

My oil temp shows roughly 75 degrees .. which i believe is below the running rate .. how can my engine run so hot .,. an my oil doesn't warm up enough? .. sods law with me enit!
I know the gauge isn't reading wrong cause the pipes are scoulding. ..
I will try flushing the radiator tomorrow night .. an see if that makes a diffrence .. other than that i thought my fans spinning would solve my problem .. no such luck :cry:

and with the 2 fans .. do i need to do away with the air con fan in order to front mount? .. i don't need air con anyway .. never gets bloody warm enough over here to use it :lol:


they both get hot mate .. once the thermostat lets the rest through.