Feels like fuels cutting out ? ? ?


New Member
hi guys ive been getting a problem with the car when im hard on the accelerator, it seems to totally cut out as if i have taken my foot completely off the pedal, it does it more often when im gassing it around bends & gunning it out of the corners.

i have heard of things like fcd's ( fuel cut defender ) on other cars like supra's, is it the same problem ?

thanks in advance.



fuel surge in the tank on corners ( common problem ). Put more fuel in or baffle the tank ;)


New Member
crap! how do you baffle the tank? can it be done DIY or best taking it to a garage?


its not an easy job as it requires welding inside the fuel tank. First things first, check the fuel pump and filter inside the tank are ok and not moved.

not heard of anyone baffling yet, but that would be the cure. Failing that, build or buy a surge tank.

it could be a number of things causing it anyway, but I know a few people have said its fuel surge when cornering on low fuel, just keep it topped up or go round corners slowly :D

out of interest, do you usually find it happens on left hand bends only, like slip roads coming off the motorway ? thats usually the clue that its fuel surge and not something else.


New Member
yes thats deffinetly it, its always on a left hand bend! bang on mate cheers!


Have you had a new up rated pump fitted or the old owner ?, Because if they didn't get the filter back in the right place that could cause your problem.



Active Member
I still get fuel surge on tight left handers and have the standard pump, think its just one of those 'R things you have to get used to :lol:
