Fart powered R


Keyser Soze

Being a bit of a green fingered fruit cake and liking all things natural (yes that includes the French ladeez), I am planning on converting an R to run on the free and abundant from of fuel called Methane! Can be easily harvested from a field of cows (if you live in the stix) or a sewage farm (between J7 & J6 on the M4 is pretty good - otherwise known as Slough).
My reason for this is that the continuing extension of m'ways are erroding the natural greenbelt of our fine country! before long we will b living in a concrete jungle with no sign of green to be seen (well some will remain if ya know what i mean)! Not even the humble, yet beautiful daisey! Has no one noticed the change in the migratory pattern of the lesser spotted warble over London being affected by the ring of smog and pollutuion that is thrown up by the M25? Anyway, if you have any ideas or suggestions on the best way of tuning an R to run on Methane, any input wud be most welcome...Just think of the flamer kit you could fit to it on the excess burnt of methane! Whoa! time to toast some tail gating mo fo of a BMW W@nkers bumper/no. plate in traffic! :twisted:

Fast Guy

Staff member
You might be better removing the engine, cut the front out leaving just the wings, strap a cow to the front and fit 48" wooden wheels on the B pillar. Don't forget to by a straw hat and grow a beard. 8)

More reference material is available in a recent issue of Top Gear, although human methane beat the cow stuff. :p


I think you have chosen to drive the wrong car if you feel like that for nature, go by yourself a nice green electrical car that will make a wicked topspeed of 28MPH and enjoy...