Fan not working on setting 1 !!


Active Member

My heater fan is not working on setting 1. Is this likely to be the switch or, the fan itself ?

I would normally put this down to the resistor in the rotary switch but, read somewhere recently that the actual fan motor could be the cause. Can't see how myself but, ya never know I guess :?




New Member
Are you sure its definatly not working. My fan hardly does anything on setting one.
If it still works fine on the other settings its more than likely the switch. You should be able to pick one up easy enough with the amount of cars that keep getting broken :roll:


New Member
You might find it's one of the resistors on the little circuit board that sits in the fan air flow duct.
It looks like there are 2 resistors on the board and a different combination of them sets the speeds 1, 2 & 3, setting 4 by-passes the board.

Check the board for continuity (there is 1 common terminal which I think is wider than the rest and then three others) and if 1 leg isn't complete then you can work out which resistor is stuffed.
I've just repaired mine with a little solder, but you have to get it nice and clean so it sticks.

The location of the circuit board is given here:

If you haven't checked your fuses then here's the fuse guide:
