Failed MOT

My R failed today on a leaking steering rack gaitor. Is it an easy job or should i save stress by paying someone else to do it?


Active Member
scottgtirxxx said:
My R failed today on a leaking steering rack gaitor. Is it an easy job or should i save stress by paying someone else to do it?
If it's leaking, it sounds like the rack needs replacing ?!

That can be a pain with the engine in but, still do-able !


New Member
I replaced the boot on mine a while back which was ok and went very smooth, however ive never removed the rack completely so couldnt comment on that.

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doddle of a job!
just remove the track rod end, undo the clips that secure the boot, and slide it off the rack arm, then put a new one back on.
before removing the track rod end and bolt, put a mark on the arm with a hacksaw so that yoyu know how far to screw the locknut back up! or if you dont you will have to pay for it to be tracked again.


How much are the boots my local factors dont list them so i will have to take mine off first??


New Member
Not sure but i cant imagine them being too expensive, its probably some old deisgn rack that was lying around in Nissans bin yard lol.

It will probably be the wait that takes the biscuit.


Fast Guy

Staff member
I got one from my local motor factors, I have a feeling I got one for a 2.0L sunny hoping it would fit and it did.


virtually any nissan power rack gator is the same size!
think they even do a universal one which you cut to size yourself, same as with cv gators


pulsarboby said:
virtually any nissan power rack gator is the same size!
think they even do a universal one which you cut to size yourself, same as with cv gators
Yes my factors Guy said to bring any boot in and he could get me one to fit but handy if you can ring up and say "Order me 2# ******" and also means you take old one off and replace there and then without getting messed up twice must ring them in the morning and ask about the 2.0L one :thumbsup: