Extremely weird problem, I've bent third gear !



This is a strange one, my box seems to have offset third gear... All the other gears follow the standard 'H' pattern, but third gear is squiffed off to the right.. :shock:

Not had the box apart yet to have a look, just wondered if anyone elses is the same. Its been a problem for a while, but Its getting pretty bad now and I should really fix it before it all goes a bit wrong. Car still drives ok, 2nd to 3rd is a bit notchy, but still works..

It kinda looks like this -

Any ideas ?? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Still waiting on some shims!
Bent selector... although i thought that would hive you problems in every gear...

Bearing starting to fail leaving the internals lopsided...

You could just be drunk... :lol:



Active Member
perhap quickshift has fooked the selector hub? have you checked the bush underneath where striker/lever fit's?



RishiGTiR said:
You could just be drunk...
I wish I was, thats the cheapest option to repair :D:D

I've checked all the links / bush external and all seems ok. Just wondered if anyone had ever heard of this before... next time I do an oil change I'll whip the box out and have a look inside ( when I can find the courage :( )

I do have a quick shift and also the uprated stabiliser bush, so I know its taken a bit of punishment... Still funny how its only 3rd gear thats affected :?: