Expensive parts


New Member
im looking for a GTIR to buy, would like one that has not been modified and owner has looked after, Can you tell me what are the most expensive parts that need replacing on them? for example: if i look at a car thats had a recent cluch change this is a good thing because i was quoted £500 to replace one :-o


How much you looking to spend on the car ???

That may also contribute to the amount you may have to spend repairing it !!!!



New Member
Have a look at this one. You wont see a cleaner r.


To be fair though if you need to ask how much its going to cost to run, you probably cant afford one. The ones priced so cheap have got that way because people buy them, cant afford to run/repair it and it breaks, gets sold on even cheaper to the next person who can afford to buy it and not run it. Vicious circle.


New Member
thats why i ask for a pulsar that has been unmodified, i know one person with one and the only major thing that had to be replaced was the clutch (£630 at the time) other than that nothing has gone wrong with it. maybe i will buy it when he sells it but doesnt seem likely to sell.


Unmodified still doesnt really mean anything tho buddy :oops: remember, these cars are 15ish years old now and who knows what the hell has been done to them before they arrived on these shores. What is sold as a standard car in this country could well have been a full on big boosted track car out in Japan just with the bits taken off :cry:

You just gotta choose wisely and spends AS MUCH as you can possibly afford on one.

have you checked insurance yet (Group 20 remember!).?? How old are you? Also be aware that fuel consumption is HIGH so 35 quids worths of Shells finest will only see 150miles and even less if youre havin fun :thumbsup:



New Member
true.... lots of history is good, im 23 with 5 years protected no claims, living in Hertfordshire, thats another thing that is bad cause i only use it at weekends and havent found a company that will change the price even though i only do few thousand miles a year.


If you know someone that is a mechanic or similar then take them with to look at it and check stuff out. Also better off buying a modded one thats been looked after well with regular oil changes. cos u could spend 3k then need to spent 500 - 600 ish on clutch then another like 400 or something like that on a gearbox. or the worst one 3k on an engine rebuild. for that u could have spent about 7k on a mint 400 bhp one.
have a careful think about it and maybe try to get 5k for a mint one.
Hope that helps.


New Member
your best bet would buy one of here or off the modifiers, then you can check up on the persons history. 3k might buy you a std one, but the car may well have been modded before and put back to std so they will make more money.


Also if your struggling for insurance, try A-Plan.They WILL beat everything else by a mile.Did for me anyway,cheapest quote was Adrian Flux at £750 Fully Comp.
A-Plan did it for £550 Fully Comp. all mods declared,unlimited mileage NCB protected.;-)
(28,5 years NCB)



New Member
If you buy a pulsar your going to spend ALL your money on it.. no i really mean it.
forget holidays, moving out of home, saving etc. ain't gonna happen.

quick as feck though.. little sh1tboxes


New Member
best quote for me so far was from Elephant £777 full comp, i was expecting £1100.... so far so good, i only really use a car at weekends so i was gona try classic insurance. 3k for an engine rebuild??? id just buy another engine and drop it in lol