

New Member
I cant get the section of exhaust out of the car, the section after the cat undone everything but just cant pull it out is there a certain way of doing or something you take off to make this easier.

Fast Guy

Staff member
What exhaust is it? and what's replacing it?

I could only just get the standard one off with abit of a struggle.

You can either drop the rear subframe to make more room or take it to a garage to get it on a ramp about 6ft up, then it's easy.


It is a real bitch when you jack up my car was like 5ft off the ground before i got it out id recomend a pit or ramp dont jack its such a nightmare and i expect with a pit it fall's off as its the lollipop end that is the bugger! :evil:


New Member
yer thanx guys tried with the jack at first but put it up on a ramps and the thing just fell off

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
thats why i said tip the car on its side...not literaly lol

iirc Jimmy only had the lift the car a couple of feet maybe three ft and he had enough room to get the exhaust in...

failing that its Channy style:D or ramps.

id go for the ramp and wear some glasses;-)