Exhaust Turbine housing T28

Thanks, ollies got one as well which he has allready had welded up and then found a boost leak. Think he will let me know how much he will sell his for tommorrow as well! Look forward to hearing from you too!


Active Member
you can have mine for cheap mate but nothing will rival a non cracked housing.

Cracks have a propegation rate, amplified with fluctuations in material temperature and stresses (just like a turbo experiences!!)
Thanks pal, and cheers for your honesty! I will see what Craig says tommorrow then, would be great to get an uncracked unwelded one but on the other hand a welded one is way better than a cracked one! I will let you know as soon as I hear from Craig tommorrow. I'll let you know either way :)
ive got a standard uncracked/unwelded unit £45 delivered
Sounds good to me, I shall have this off you, I need one, and you have one! I'll send you a pm now, cheers mate.
Craig, i should have a housing now so you don't have to worry about taking it to bits, thank you anyway though fir going to rush for me! :)