Exhaust Rear Section


New Member
Just a quick one for you's all.

I am planing on getting rid of the Mongose rear section for a custom 3" rear section. Should I get an exact copy of the mongose or ditch the large resinator that is in the back section?

Going to keep the mongose tail pipe and save the large bend in the pipework have it come out the rear of the passanger side.


gtir bean

New Member
if you got rid of the resinator it would be rediculusly loud!i wouldnt think it would restrict it anyway.


Active Member
The resonator won't restrict the exhaust flow any, I'd leave one in there.

The idea of it coming out of the passenger side, is a good one but, if you angle the last bend (over the rear subframe) right, you can still have it coming out of the drivers side rear. Doing it this way will be less work and a shorter pipe (not much shorter though). This is what Hayward and Scott did with my rear section !