Exhaust Probs


Ive got a HKS exhaust, but its finally give up the ghost and rusted away on the backbox.

So i need a new one, but money is the major factor, looking on ebay and found:




Are these systems ok?

Also im after a quiet system for hen driving on motorways etc, i know mongoose are loud but how loud? When doing 70 in fifth can you still hear yourself think?

Any help will be appreciated,




almost all after market exhuats systerm are going to be loud when driveing it some think that you just have to live with realy unless you get a EVC or a bung.

there are other exhaust out there for the pulsar how much do you realy want to spend???

Or as your in north wales why not pop down to cardiff and see Pro speed they are realy good at building exhuats one of the best and they can help you out

cheers Lionel.


Active Member
Mongoose is more or less the exhaust of choice for UK owners. There's a few jap ones and scorpion floating about, but the majority of owners have a 'goose.

They are loud, but not ridiculous - they have a particularly loud spell in between 2-3000rpm, but other than that I think ok if you're driving normally. I can put up with it on the motorway, but others can't.

Best bet if you're really bothered about noise is find someone near you who has one and go out for a spin. From a performance side, my car is breathing mods only and it definitely felt a lot happier with the goose on.

Hope that helps.



New Member
The picture for both of those systems are the same, so they are both nice and noisy Mongoose systems.
Keep an eye out for the Blueflame systems, as Blueflame make the Mongoose system, but sell it a little bit cheaper.

When cruising on the motorway you will find a speed at which you can hear yourself think, I can't remember if 70mph is one:) , iirc it's not too bad :lol: :roll:
Ive just gutted and renovated the house, so money is scarce at the mo, £250 is maximum. Just checked out my exhaust, and its a little bit more urgent than I first thought as in just snapped off the 5" end off the back box oops, oh well.

Just been looking at a blue flame on ebay


if im not mistaken, there the same system as a goose? I think Cojack on the forum has a Blue Flame on his R, and from what i remember it sounds not to bad.

So I think im going to give it a go.

Anyone else got a Blue Flame Exhaust?




New Member
Alright gaz i do have the bule flame system i think's it a great system for my mods loud when you floor it but when you are cruising on light throttle it's not that loud.

It's about time you invested in a new one.