Ever heard of


A unit inside the car that shows the cars BHP????

Someone just mentioned about one to me and i thought that it would be pretty inaccurate.. (if it exists)...

Has anyone else heard of one or can show me a piccy/weblink???


Mark N

New Member
There is yes. They are called performance meters. I think someone called G-Force do them. I've used them before, what you need to do is put the weight of the car in and the sensors inside work out the geforce which in turn can work out the BHP. you can also use them to mesure breaking and corning.


Search AP22 performance meter on the net

Think they do bhp, i know they do 0-60 and 1/4 miles etc
However they are only as accurate as you have to set the parameters up very accurately for the car and it wont really be an accurate figure.

for example it works using G forces so if you have a big turbo (not lou rob's tiny one :wink: ) then the kick of that coming on boost may give a false figure

just go to a rolling road 8)


Active Member
Edd said:
Search AP22 performance meter on the net

Think they do bhp, i know they do 0-60 and 1/4 miles etc
However they are only as accurate as you have to set the parameters up very accurately for the car and it wont really be an accurate figure.

for example it works using G forces so if you have a big turbo (not lou rob's tiny one :wink: ) then the kick of that coming on boost may give a false figure

just go to a rolling road 8)
but if teh big turbo is giving a kick then is it making more G at that time isntt it ?? so it would be correct

ive used the G tech meter a fair bit and a mate ysed it at santa pod and for time 0-60 and 1/4 mile timews it was very good

the power reading it gives will be at the wheels and u have to know the weight of car to allow it to work the power out