euro spec 2k speedow conversion


New Member
Hiya guys

I have my clocks converted to mph and they should also go past 112mph but dont, the kit i have is euro spec 2000 speedo conversion and delimiter.

Does anyone know if there is a function with this kit that makes it so u can only have the mph conversion and not switch on the delimiter?

In which case how do i go about switching delimiter on i dont realy want to pay out a oner for a kit when i already have one installd, if anyone has any sugesstions on how i should go about sorting this please advise.

o yeah when do you guys find best to change gear when racing up quarter mile etc? previouse owner has told me around 6k as i was taking it to about 6.5-7 at first;-)

Thanks in advance Paul.


Well-Known Member
doggydowg said:
o yeah when do you guys find best to change gear when racing up quarter mile etc? previouse owner has told me around 6k
Was the previous owner a little old lady :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
she isknow to you guys as little miss road rage pmsl

so when do i change gear when dragging then?

I normaly just change gear when it feels likes it just guna run out of puff, my car is only going to get used on saterdays and sundays so i want it used right;-) dont want to blow it up bouncing off the limiter thoe.


Well-Known Member
doggydowg said:
she isknow to you guys as little miss road rage pmsl
:shock: I'll be in trouble for calling her a little old lady now, hopefully she wont see this :lol: I was right about it being a woman though 8)

I dont change gear until just before the limiter is about to cut in, the revs are higher when you hit the next gear then :wink:

Fast Guy

Staff member
As far as I'm aware the converters move the limit from 180kph to 180 mph it doesn't actually delimit as such.


New Member
in the manual i have read you put a sticker over the dials and the previouse owner has stuck a chip behind the dash could i have hit the 7.5k limiter in 4th?


New Member
took on motorway i hit limiter in 4th at 6.5-7k then change up into 5th and it keeps pulling all the way to 120mph then the speedo goes to 0 but still keeps pulling all the way till 5.5k id be happy with 140mph top end without knowing what rev-speedow is id guess its around 125-130mph at 5.5k in 5th?

someone please advise what speed this is? seem like a very weird de restriction, my speedow will not start reading again till i drive below 20mph!!!

is there a chart sumwhere that shows gear ratio to speed this would be realy helpfull.

Thanks Paul.


As above ive got the same problem its a bugger somebody must know? :?


Active Member
the speed cut is at 112mph.if your getting 125mph then you might have the close ratio box which only does 125 :oops: :cry: :cry:


New Member
i dont think i have the limited edition short ratio box and this still wouldnt explain why the speedow dies at 125mph and goes to 0mph untill i go slower then 20mph then it comes back into action again.

i have spent the best part of an hour reaserching old posts and think its safe to say this will be the delimiter box on the back of speedo being either loose sumwhere or fubard.

both times ie in 4th and in 5th when the limiter kicks in its like loss of power for a few seconds then i can go again i think its about 100mph in 4th and 125mph in 5th it alloys 6-7k in 4th and 5.5k in 5th.

i will let u know if once i take apart the dash i find any loose wires, has anyone local got a spare delimiter i can borrow and is cause of prolem i will happily buy it from them or buy a new one from flebay;_)

Thanks Paul.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
i feel i ought to be the one to tell you.....

your car had 'LITTLE MISS ROAD RAGE' written across its ass in bright pinkl :lol:

'novataken' :lol: nice phrase :lol:

no idea why your limiters playing up tbh are you sure its not the fuel pump of something else? you should be able to hit 7500rpm in all gears :? i know Kelly had her head screwed on pretty well with her cars and she loved her R, i doubt it would anything sinister.

have you tried a fault code check as well?

you should hit 125 in 4th, id be inclined to go out with a mate or road angel or similar gps system (on a private road of course) and check whats going on :wink:


New Member
i no the car had little miss road rage slappd across the windscrew i took these off when i bought it.

Kelly never took it over 100mph as she says she likes her licence so she probably wouldnt be aware of the problem i have.

it has an uprated walbro fuel pump, i havnt done any fault checking as yet, ive searchd pages and pages and everyone with fuckd delimiter seems to have this problem.

I will need to reaserch lots and find out where this wire i read of that cuts out the limiter altogther and chop this or spend £40 on a new delimiter which will probably cure the problem.

I am trying to see if i can borrow one off sumone local to save me buying one for no reason.

im guna go rip my dash out to see if there is any loose wires yay;-(


New Member
i cant reply on my other limiter posts so il reply here.

Is it possible that the delimiter wires are the wrong way round ie the white and the grey wires from the delimiter are at the wrong end? so that GREY converter wire to the LOOM side of this GREEN wire and the WHITE converter wire to the PLUG (speedo) side of the wire are the wrong way round?

It just seems so weird how ofton this problem pops up threw searching threw archives that there is no definative answer we all share same pob 6k in 4th and 125mph in 5th ;-(

if i take away the white wire so there is a gap wil this mean the ecu will not see what speed i am doing?

I thought this would be the case with the grey one but that knocks out the speedo so it must be the other one or wireing is wrong way round.

Little Miss Road Rage

MarkTurbo said:
doggydowg said:
o yeah when do you guys find best to change gear when racing up quarter mile etc? previouse owner has told me around 6k
Was the previous owner a little old lady :lol: :lol: :lol:

You're in big trouble Mark lol wait till I see u. I never done a quarter mile but found with my car that if u changed gear then it pulled better. Each car has different power bands. My primera u had to red line every gear but the pulsar was different.

As doggydawg said I didn't take it over 100 (I didn't look at the speedo when I was on the track day tho)


New Member
anyone local to Portsmouth got a spare set of clocks or delimiter i could try out at the meet this wknd?

what revs is it ok to rev to in 4th and 5th i will try driving to say 7k in 4th which is?

and also try going above 5.5k in 5th with speedo wires disconcted to see if i still have problem.

wish it was raining i could try it out on my private test track i have, there seems to be allot of cars on it at rush hour thoe;-(


New Member
went to go chop the blue wire on back of speedow and noticed the blue wire coming form the black plug (middle of speedow) is actualy blue and black and there is another blue wire coming from the white plug (right of speedo) which one do we think it is guys.

if the ecu doesnt recive the speedo signal does it have any other safety features like cutting off at certain rpms that are lower then normal rev limiter of 7.5k?

how about cutting wire at ecu end that susposed to recive the speed signal anyone know what colour wire that is?

thanks for any imput Paul.