erratic needle



my rev counter needle jumps about all over the place and then settles on 9 grand then wen the car gets warm it goes back to normal??? also when i accelerate the water temp needle moves with the rev needle???? is this a converter issue??

cheers Tom..


Active Member
Most likely. Those little black boxes are well known for going wrong.

Could also be a disloged / shorted / bridged earth connection behind the clocks - also as a result of chopping about with the wires to fit the convertor or less commonly a shorted track on the flexi circuit "board" on the back of the clocks.

Whatever, you will need to get the clock pod out and have a look..... should be fairly obvious once you have sight of the wiring.

Will take you about 4 hours to get the clocks out the first time you do it and about 20 minutes every time thereafter once you know how :)

There's plenty of posts about how to do it and in what order on here if the Search will let you find it! If not say and I'll give a blow by blow.
