Engine wanted!


New Member
My engine's kicking out white smoke from the rocker cover and the breathers, do most probly the rings are badly worn! so it would be cheaper for me to find a new engine and break the current one.

So if you have any engines for sale, standard, modified, anything considered! pm me with prices or send a pic and price to ultimatestreetracer@hotmail.co.uk



New Member
Cant seem to get on to the modifiers due to an access problem with me internet, its all messed up lol. Are they on here under a name?



Active Member
Mate have you compression checked you engine yet?as it may be fine,my engine has a small amount off smoke/oil mist/burnt fuel vapour that comes out the breather pipe and it is fine.And i read your other thread about if you block this pipe smoke pours out the back is proberbly down to where you are blocking the pipe you are building up crank case pressure and this is causing the oil in the turbo to pressurise more as the oil return from the turbo is to the sump and if the sump is full of crank case pressure it will proberbly blow a little oil pas the seals in the turbo causing it to smoke?


New Member
I am trying to get the car in next week for a compression test but im putting a feeler out for a new engine, there is a considerable amount of smoke coming from the breather though and wudnt of thought this would have anything to do with the turbo?



Active Member
No you are right the smoke from the breather has noting to do with the turbo but the smoke out the exhaust when you block that pipe proberbly is,all engines breath a bit and a little smoke/oil vapour etc is nuffing to worry about.How much oil is in your catch tank?and how quick does it fill up over time?Plus i think you don't have the standed black oil seperater still on your car do you?and that will help with how much oil it breaths out, but it still won't help with the smoke so maybe your rings are worn, how much smoke does it actully breath out?


pm me and il give you my number;-)
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New Member
yes a seperate catch tank that goes to the atmosphere, theres a load of white smoke that comes out, if i stop at the lights or at a junction it pours out, white embarrising really!

Cheers pulsarboby pm sent
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