Engine removal


New Member
What is the best way to strap the engine (to an engine hoist) for removal. Does it have any eyelets or place to put them in ?



The gtir engine is a right pain to drop because it has no lifting eyes, I tend to just put rope around it and use a bit of trial and error to get the weight distribution right, My other method is to just drop it on my big trolley jack.

I'm sure one or two of the other know it alls will be along to give you some other idea's later though.



New Member
Thanks Rob

I thought i would find more DIYers around here. come one guys, any more coments and best practice to tie that mass of iron.


New Member
The points i use are the left hand edge of the manifold, the dump pipe section on the plenium and both gear box mounts.


New Member
Trip said:
any more coments and best practice to tie that mass of iron.
its aluminium ;)

round the plenum inlet and the alternator bracket is how i do them (take the water outlet from the head off)


New Member
Aluminium :doh:

If i didn't see that engine in mid air holding from the inlet plenum , i would have never believed it was strong enough.

Would that suffic for removing engine comlete with Gbox and transfer.

Thanks guys for all your comments:thumbsup:


New Member
If your removing it with transferbox and gearbox attached then it will have to come out from underneath the car.


New Member
Trip said:
If i didn't see that engine in mid air holding from the inlet plenum , i would have never believed it was strong enough.
i drop them on the trolley like that with the everything attached, drag it out, get the transmission off and your good to go.


i have in the past dropped an engine without using a hoist!
just put a trolley jack under ally sump with a piece of ply on top.
undo all necessary bits.
put another trolley jack under front centre of car, with a wood fence post spanning chassis, near antiroll bar, and jack car right up.
drop the jack slowly under engine, so its down to its full extent, and pull the whole lot out from underneath, on the trolley jack.

can be put back the same way too, if you havent got a engine hoist.
this way you havent got to chain or rope anything up, just let the two jacks do the work.
if you havent got any jacks, then use a couple of freds:lol:


pulsarboby said:
i have in the past dropped an engine without using a hoist!
just put a trolley jack under ally sump with a piece of ply on top.
undo all necessary bits.
put another trolley jack under front centre of car, with a wood fence post spanning chassis, near antiroll bar, and jack car right up.
drop the jack slowly under engine, so its down to its full extent, and pull the whole lot out from underneath, on the trolley jack.

can be put back the same way too, if you havent got a engine hoist.
this way you havent got to chain or rope anything up, just let the two jacks do the work.
if you havent got any jacks, then use a couple of freds:lol:

This is how I've done mine the last two times bob, Only difference being I had it up in the air already and just dropped it down on the jack.

Like you say it can go back in the same way ;-)



so is it straightforward to drop just the engine out ?? or do you need to drop the gearbox with it for space?
just wanting an idea to do my rebuild.


New Member
I never thought it is possible to detach the engine from the gearbox and remove only the engine from the top.

I would still need to remove everything including gearbox to make way for a fresh built engine + a quaife box. This engine will go on another car to race with it until i complete the beast. :)


[Trip]I never thought it is possible to detach the engine from the gearbox and remove only the engine from the top.

Didnt think the gearbox would tip off the engine?

Im gonna lower the box and engine together, thinking this is the easiest.