Engine management. which one to decide ?


New Member
Giving a option for you to choose
which one is more preferable ?


Dont suggest other since this only in my budget
mircotech no !
Wolf 3D version 4 plug in. no idea about it

I more leaning to Haltech due to
flexibility to change on other car in future
tuning from Lap top
antilag feature so on

Power FC is stuck on the car forever
but more resolution tuning that haltech
just bolt on
got hand set to see all the sensor reading
JECS.... standard mah....
Then latter u can wollap EPROM on it hahaha.

For me i rather go PowerFC....
Wei last time we wanted to do a EDamage group buy but never materialise, now we do a power fc group by lah....


New Member
problem here is
power FC is is about 125000 yen with handset shipped
RM 4200 only

and Haltech just RM 6500 all inclusive tuning

your case sure Power FC since you driving a Real RNN14
but my case is B13 + RNN14
mean blown. i might choose other engine as i like


Haltech :) A bit harder to work out than the apexi in some ways but once u do u will get alot more out of it.

Also herd good things about the latest wolf3d plug in but i think the haltech software is a bit better. Although given time i am sure the wolf software will get better as well. Not sure how they compare with price.


well i would think you will need to run the haltech on top of your stock ecu because i don't think there will be enough outputs from the haltech to control these at one shot like air cond comp/ficd, idle/aac, fuel pump/air regulator, boost solenoid, radiator fan and inputs to monitor stuff like low power steering pressure to boost up idle, detonation sensor and other stuff which you will ignore/junk like ground wheel speed and MAF.

whereas with the power fc, it will control the whole lot. so in this regard, the power fc is a much more complete solution, although restrictive as you say. also, wiring harness making is quite a daunting task if you want to do a job that is at least on par with oem standards or better. if you do a botch job be prepared to face unreliability or loose contacts especially on a stiffly sprung car where vibration is so pronounced, coupled with effect from heat of the engine and oils etc.

so yes the haltech is flexible in that you can move from car to car, but really, for this budget, i'd say its best you carefully choose the engine you want to stick with, and then go for the power fc. the haltech 6 is a little too primitive to be a complete stand alone. its more like a piggyback in that it only controls fuel and ignition. and even then, if you want to do hi/lo injection and coil per cylinder ignition you will hit a wall. even the e11, although being much more flexible with more inputs and outputs, is not the motec replacement many people seem to believe.


f8, what the fuck are you on about.....
Haltech is fine as a complete ecu replacment, may not have as much inputs/outputs as a top of the line motec but doesnt have the pricetag either.
i have the haltech e6x which has been converted to plug in just like the power fc(the tunner i use makes the adaptor)
and it controlls air con rad fans and all the other shit you just listed except the det sensor as this is not used with haltech + its used as an electronic boost controller, and antilag and shift light
other things it can control-
-electronic boost control
-engine control relay
-intercoler fan
-aus fuel pump
-torque converter
-thermo fans
-nos enable
-turbo timer
-staging signal
-BAC valve
-stall saver
-duel intake valve
-shift light
-air con
+ you got data logging and many other things.
can controll either 8 low impendance injectors or 16 high impendance
Ignition configuration:either-
twin distributer
twin rotor
single distributer
direct fire 1-4 cylinder
waste spark 4,6,8 cylinder
-injection fireing mode-
throttlebody batch
-sequential (upto 4 banks)
-multi point

cmng- i recommend you have a readup on the haltech website and see for yourself what it can and cant run.
www.haltech .com
now we wont even bother comparing the difference in mapping resolution between the haltech and power fc. and yes i know motec and autronic may be better but as I said there in a different price range.
sorry for that little rant just couldnt not say anything.


hi luke,

sorry if my post sounded offensive. it is quite natural for anyone to defend what they chose. as far as i can see, the e6x gives

*4 injector outputs
*4 ignition outputs
*4 PWM outputs
*1 aux out(non PWM switching o/p)
*1 fuel pump out
*1 four wire idle control out(which cannot be used for other things even if you have an ordinary PWM idle valve as the gti-r does)
*air temp and coolant temp i/p
*tps and map i/p
*single wheel speed i/p
*one o2 sensor i/p(narrowband)
*1 aux in

there are 2 digital outputs(non PWM switching) but these are shared with ignition 2 and 3, meaning if you run coil per cylinder then you cannot use them as digital outputs.

there are 2 more inputs known as trim and spare.

so on a pulsar gti-r running a distributor with 4 injectors,
*aux in:air cond req
*spare i/p:antilag enable(?)

*PWM1:air cond comp/FICD
*PWM2:boost solenoid
*PWM3:rad fan
*ignition 2/digital 1:shift lamp
*ignition 3/digital 2:fault light
*aux out:tacho
*fuel pump:pump/air regulator

so, i do apologise. yes you can indeed run it as a full standalone. but you cannot run hi/lo injection with dedicated fuel maps for the high and low, but as batched injectors that fire for the same opening time.

you cannot do coil per cylinder ignition without losing out some ability like shift light and engine fault light.

you cannot do traction control. and i've used up all outputs so you can't do intercooler spray bars, nos valve control, high cam control in case you implement an SR16/20VE head on it.

and if you upgrade to a 6 cylinder car like the RB based engines, you cannot control the 6 injectors sequentially, but you will have to fire each injectors twice per engine cycle, ie once during intake and once during power stroke, thus effectively doubling your fuel consumption more or less since each injector output is wired to two injectors.

in conclusion, yes the e6x will be a complete standalone, but just. and definitely no more room for further add ons. and definitely not ideal for anything more than 4 cylinders.

Too Slick

Or you could just go for a Gizzmo ECU upgrade which is soldered into your ecu and is plug and play.
Nothing fancy, it just adjusts car acordingly :lol:

And funnily enough ive got one i might be selling soon that is already soldered into the ecu and the ecu is coming with it :wink:


I didnt find your post offensive, i just thought that it was a little miss leading,thats all.
and im sure but not certain that the power fc would have no more inputs and out puts then the haltech. and if like me you could hve got either the haltech or power fc for the same price, then surley having less restriction, and a greater tune resolution then haltech would be slightly in front of the power fc.