engine loom removal


New Member
where does the engine loom attach to interior loom? looks like it goes into the bulk head so do i remove it from inside the car to completely remove from engine bay?


New Member
Keep in mind that the injector connectors are not on the Engine Loom, they are on the EFI Loom which goes through the firewall into the cabin and to the ECU. The EFI Loom also connects to the distributor (CAS), transistor, coil, etc. To take this loom out completely you need to pop the firewall grommet just next to the rear engine buffer rod.

The Engine Loom has several connectors on the right (above the gearbox) including the heavy battery positive to the starter.
But most of the Engine Loom connectors are on the drivers side - just near the relay box.



New Member
i got 1 loom on which goes onto all the plugs on the rear of the engine, will the spare connectors on the end of this go into the fuse box?

is it best to put the whole loom on the engine completely before it goes back into car? i got the car with no engine in so its a bit of a puzzle.
i think its the EFI loom i just need to fit now.


New Member
Yes, the spare connectors on that loom (that's the Engine Loom) are for the Relay Box and then a few keep going all the way round to the front to the alternator.
The EFI Loom should stay with the car - ie. not come out when the engine comes out.
When the engine come out, it comes out with the Engine Loom still on it.
When the engine is re-fitted, then the EFI Loom should be re-connected to the engine.
