emission problem


New Member
I had my car for its registration MOT here in sweden.It didnt go through because of high emissions.The car has been mapped out to 1.3 bar byways of a gizzmo chip and I believe the cat has been removed.The levels for each I´ll list with the highest allowable level in brackets.
Idling CO - 2,06(0.5) HC - 142(100)
2500 RPM - 2,3(0.3)

What do you guys think?Is it because of no cat or is it the chip thats causing problems?Any help,backed up with evidence hopefully,would be well appreciated.


its more than likely because you have the cat removed!
this will raise emissions considerably, with the cat fitted, if its working ok, the emissions co emissions will be no higher than o.5%

if the hc is high this could more than likely be caused by a mal-functioning lambda / oxygen sensor, as this continually is updating the ecu with revised info which adjusts the mixture accordingly before it reaches the cat!


New Member
Ok I see. New cat then?
I have a mongoose system.Do you know if an original cat will fit on to it or do I need to get a universal and bodge it in?
Could the chip cause problems with the hc levels?
Do you know hes got a cat lying around by any chance?


if you have a decat pipe fitted, it will just be a case of removing this and fitting a cat in its place.
chip could possibly cause a prob with hc level, depending on how its mapped! but i know nothing about mapping so best ask on a seperate thread about that