Electrical Problems - Car Won't Stop!?!



Moved the car out the garage today and removed the key and the engine kept running. No problem I thought, turbo timer must be on, it was but was showing 0:00 so I switched it off and the car kept running :shock: . Okay, so there's a dodgy connection where the wires are spliced at the ignition barrel where the TT connects. I checked this and they are all fully insulated with insulating tape with no wires touching.

I haven't disconnected the TT yet as it is a pain in the arse to do that. The car has a Sterling Cat 2 immobiliser which was 'professionally fitted' before I bought the car. I'm wondering if this could be causing the problem as as soon as I deactivate the immobiliser I get all the lights coming on on the dash, BUT I don't get power to things like the fans etc.

Is it the TT, the immobiliser, or something else?

Cheers for any input


Have now removed the TT and everything is fine. Will need to try re wireing it to see if it was the connections or if the unit itself has gone. Anyone else had a Greddy FATT die on them? This ones only 6mths old?