ecotek valves...



whats the deal with these? I stripped a pair off a car a while back complete with ppipercross filters and all that. do they actually do anything or am i going to have to sell them to the corsa owners club/maxpower brigade :lol: .I found one review here:

but im not convinced.Any offers?? :oops:


if you have one already would say fit it and see but if its that good dont see why there not being fitted as standard now


New Member
These had a problem with burning out valves,
They work by causing air turbulence if I remember right, my friend had one on an escort si and it just made lots of funny noises.



i didnt pay anything for them and there not going anywhere near my car, i just wanted to see if they have been used with any success before. They are obviously a bit pants, so im going to go on a more halfords bolt on orientated website and sell my crappy goods. Cheers guys! :D


Active Member
"The unit fits into a vacuum servo hose close to the inlet manifold and is a non-return valve which injects minute quantities of agitated air into the manifold at certain pressures, This leans the mixture very slightly - the quantities of air involved are about 5%"


Not sure I'm convinced that deliberately letting unfiltered air into you inlet manifold is a good idea.

Just my 2p worth :)

Graham 8)


New Member
If you are selling to maxflower guys you can sell them seperatly as engines below 2.6 (hence 26 in the name) only need one.



New Member
there a load of b0ll0x, i had one on my renault 1916v it just made a stupid noise so i took it off and sold it to some muppet on ebay.

there like the 20hp chip that sells on there.


They work off manifold vacuum, so not really designed for an R which prob spends most of it's life on boost! I had one one a CRX ages ago, can't say it made any difference other than a slightly embarrasing farty squeeky noise, not too cool as you are pulling up next to some hot lady at the lights! I sold mine on ebay for just over £30, best thing You could do with em :wink: .