Ebay: Renault 21



hi, i am very intersted in your car (eapecially the ash tray), it may well help me out of a spot. I need somewere to throw my fags as my pool is now closed. Mr Barrymore.

A: Thats not very nice.Use Galloway.

Q: I am a keen dogger, I like nothing more than to pop to a car park with my missus of an evening for a bit of pants off action, and we usually end up with 2 or 3 spectators and we all have a jolly good time... The thing is that my VW camper i currently use is getting a bit messy down the side where a bunch of enthusiastic viewers have shot their spuff whilst watching me and our lass play hide the sausage, so I'm looking for another suitable vehicle. Will your French piece of dog puke be roomy enough in the back for us to get a bit adventurous for the viewers? I also need a new car cos my VW is quite well known now after the bloody tabloids splashed it all over the front pages last year... still makes a change from splashing it all over my sliding door eh... yours Steve 'Phil' McFadden

A: Ew, that one's not for the eyes of innocents. so... yes, you would have room to give the wife some proper hardcore action in the back of this beauty, and the suspension's shot so your viewers will even have a pretty stable show. You might both get STDs from the car. You dirty fukcer.

PMSL :lol: :lol:

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