Eating Petrol



Car has started going through petrol like its going out of fashion...just put in a tenner to give it a run around before i put it away and go on hols...lasted about 20 miles before needle was off down to nil...
Cant work it out only thing i can think of is i tried to alter the idle screw(hope its the one on the inlet manifold under the back of the intercooler about four inches below it pasenger side)!!!!
Plus the timing slipped out because some dip had knacked the dizy bolts so i had to retap the threads!!!So my timing was running advanced glad no damage there!!!set it up at just below 20 deg
and the power seems to be a bit missing strong through the rev range...
Could Air leeks cause these kind of problems the front mount pipe is looking a bit old and worn!!!!

Plus Merry Chrimbo everybody
:D :D :D

Fire & skill

Vintage member
pushermanR said:
just put in a tenner to give it a run around before i put it away and go on hols...lasted about 20 miles before needle was off down to nil...
i thought this was normal :?


Well-Known Member
Using a tenner to do 20 miles works out at about 8 mpg :lol:

So if you were giving it some heavy right foot action that sounds about right :wink: If not then try all the other suggestions, split fuel hose maybe :?:


i have the opposite problem! noticed that my fuel needle hasnt moved from just over half for a day or two. im worrying that the fuel usage is too good.... :D 8)

Jonny H

Could be air leak but most probably a faulty Lamda sensor? TBH if you were putting your foot down it wouldnt surprise me if you used £10 in 20 miles! :wink: :twisted:


I've done 20 miles on quarter of a tank before so it could be a heavy right foot :twisted: