dyno results


Active Member
hello everybody, car has just had a trip to the dyno 285 at wheels at 15psi.

Just wondering what ramp rate is looking at the print out and it has two runs one with ramp rate 5 and one 10 both have different results.

do these factors play alot in power figures ?

air temp was 22 oc
70% humidity
Air pressure 1000mb
correction factor 1.008- whats this ???



New Member
the temprature might affect the results, depending on how well they cooled the car while on the rollers.
i think ramp rate is how much resistance the rollers have, it has to be adjusted depending on how powerfull the car is (ie if its set to low a powerfull car will go through the run to quick and the plot wont be as accurate, you wont see and spikes or dips etc). correction factor might be a figure the operator has to input so the computer can work out your speed and rpm.

i might be wrong tho


the slower the ramp rate the lower the power ( more residual heat left in the chamber ).


Active Member
yeah car did have uprated cams hybrid turbo link ecu greddy bosst controller and forged internals but ive just killed it so it has no power !!!!! if i had a scanner id stick the results up. new engine soon wahey!!!