Drain fuel tank


New Member
Hi all I need your help again lol
I need to drain my fuel tank as a pice of ruber fell of the back of my Fuel cap (it's one off the green plastic caps)
What's the easiest way to drain the fuel out


New Member
Iv just got a fuel pump from an excavtator. I just use that with some fuel hose on to pump the fuel out into a fuel can, or two.


New Member
Not too sure but I would try removing the pump in the tank, then if the holes big enough you could put your hand in and have a feel about for the bit of plastic. No need to drain the tank then.


Staff member
Yeah, I don't know that I'd want to be putting my hands in all that petrol. - It's not nice stuff, so you risk chemical burns (although probably not serious ones, it will damage skin) and potentially cancer (aromatics like toluene and xylene).


New Member
I'm not sure the object will drain out so you may want to adopt both options.... pump out fuel and fish out item(s) by hand.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Are you just worried about the piece of rubber going into the fuel system towards the engine? In which case there's a filter on the fuel pump so it won't go anywhere past the tank.

pump is in the tank. Access is under the metal cover in the boot (left hand side)


Active Member
Yes tank is under back seats passenger side, I would just drive it highly unlikely it would get through the filter


New Member
Fast Guy said:
Are you just worried about the piece of rubber going into the fuel system towards the engine? In which case there's a filter on the fuel pump so it won't go anywhere past the tank.

pump is in the tank. Access is under the metal cover in the boot (left hand side)
Yeah mate I was worried that the ruber will fuk my engine I didn't think about the fuel filter lol
I guess it can stay there ..........
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New Member
last time i had my hand in a tank full of petrol it dried my skin out, wouldnt recommend it. as said rubber wont get through, but if you really do want to drain it and havent got a pump you can use, you could extend the hose after fuel fitler, so it will reach a fuel can and just turn the ignition on, should empty the tank in no time.

Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
lift the plug off the fuel pump. add two wires and a battery. pump runs both ways. unhook fuel filter pipe. pipe to jerry can