Dont get taken for a ride


New Member
Hi ya guys just to let you guys know that guy stolen is advertising a pulsar for breaking on ebay he was the one offering an exaust that no one ever got


another of stolens victims eh?
i won that exhaust for a 100 but never got it :evil: :evil:
guys a toser stay the f**k away from him.


New Member
Right i was reading through the pages a couple of months ago and some guys were moaning that they had been ripped off on EBAY by some bloke who has the user name st0h1en he was advertising a stainless exaust for a pulsar i was not one ofd his victems i was on ebay earlier and noticed he is back advertising a pulsar for breaking just thought i would let every one know before they got burnt


Why not arange to meet him and pay cash as a deposit for a part, so that he doesn't need to bring the part (that he won't have) and then make him eat glass. lol


good idea i know where he lives, well actually its four guys and they are all a bunch of nobs


theres another bloke whos been advertising parts on ebay, his name is hussain and theres some numbers after his name!
he was selling an hks crankshaft pulley not long ago that i won for £56 never got it, although he said he sent it!
i asked him for the tracking number but no reply!
got all my money back by other means, but look out for this to$$er, hes full of shite and a sneaky little creep, who will try and wangle his way out of anything BE WARNED!