dodgy nissan parts?

  • Thread starter mynheers_a_pint
  • Start date


Interesting one this. I bought 10 genuine Nissan head bolts for my rebuild, which i am currently 50% of the way through. I went to drop the head on the block yesterday and found that 2 of the bolts are bent?! Very peculiar so i phoned Nissan, who said they would deliver 2 new ones to me today. Well the chap arrived and asked to See the bolts, which to his amazement were indeed bent. So before i left, i pulled out the new replacement bolts and to everyones shock one of the replacement bolts was also bent. Severely. I couldn't believe it?! you would have thought that a company as large as Nissan would have incredibly stringent QA processes and on something as basic as a bolt, who would have thought there wold be an issue in the first place?!

Someone please tell me this is a rare occurence....? :shock:

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
probably a storage or delivery problem, cant see them leaving the factory without being checked.

normally nissan parts are quite good quality.


the thing with a storage or delivery problem; you've got to bare in mind that these bolts are gonig to be incredibly strong and even with direct pressure at the center of the bolt, it would take serious weight and pressure to bend these things. Short of an engine resting on them for a long time, i can't see them bending, especially a minimum of 3 in roughly the same spot. If there was a weight, it would have had to of been a lot.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
Someone with a vice, hammer and and a grudge at the world in general?

mr overboost?!!!!

i know how a head bolt works mate, and what pressures are involved.

but head bolts are made of almost high tensile steel, turned and machined to spec, you,d have to try VERY HARD to make a bent bolt on a lathe!!