disco shoes



Dooie Pop Pop said:
wouldn' t it be better just to have more surface area?
Well i believe its to do more with the unswept area at the outer disc edge as you will allways get some so someone found removing this doesnt deminish friction area yet it does help channel air towards/out off the ducts not so sure if it be worth it on a solid disc though many moto x rotors are solids and have alot cut out of them to save weight and yet work well ;-)


Active Member
They're meant to be shit - there's another thread floating about somewhere and thats the general concenscous, although I've never had them myself.



New Member
They look waaaayyy too chav anyway. Just get some 4 pots or just some normal cross drilled and grooved discs.


New Member
Those are made by BlueFlame i believe,and i'm sure they sold them alot cheaper than that the last time i was up there.