diesel van ..help

mad max

Hi ,my p reg astra van will not start ,put new glow plugs in ,the battery is good ,turns over fine but will not fire up ,what else can i try or have i forgot ,thanks


it should still eventually fire up even if the glow plugs dont have power, unless its very cold and the engine is also quite tired?


mad max

Thanks for the replies, all very good got to dark out there now ,so will have a try on saturday ,gives me a good excuse to take the pulsar to work again ,not to keen on r888 in this temp thanks again


all the above and air leaks! crack the injector nuts off and make sure you have fuel getting through to them.
if you have then its more than likely the glowplug relay at fault.

mad max

pulsarboby said:
all the above and air leaks! crack the injector nuts off and make sure you have fuel getting through to them.
if you have then its more than likely the glowplug relay at fault.
Bob i did notice that when it was turning over the unburnt diesel smoke that would come out of the exhaust ,also was coming out of the front of the van if that makes any sense


nope lol
but if its kicking out black smoke on cranking engine over (from exhaust) then i would assume that the fuel is at the injectors!

get a multimeter and put the live side on one of the glowplug tops and the other end to earth on batt, then get someone to turn ignition on, you should notice that you have 12v across the glow plugs for around 30 seconds then the relay should cut the voltage.
if theres nothing there when the ignition is first turned on then you have a faulty relay.
(you can generally hear it click on and off)


New Member
pulsarboby said:
nope lol
but if its kicking out black smoke on cranking engine over (from exhaust) then i would assume that the fuel is at the injectors!

get a multimeter and put the live side on one of the glowplug tops and the other end to earth on batt, then get someone to turn ignition on, you should notice that you have 12v across the glow plugs for around 30 seconds then the relay should cut the voltage.
if theres nothing there when the ignition is first turned on then you have a faulty relay.
(you can generally hear it click on and off)
If you do not have a mulimeter you can simply remove the connection to a glow plug, turn ign on and make loose contact with the glow plug again... you should see arching as they draw about 20 amps each. I use this method to see if a glow plug is good or not.
If you have power to the rail but no arching when you touch rail to plug then the plug is goosed!


New Member
mad max said:
lol ,i did not have the guts to switch to high boost
I'm not surprised..... anything will give way with too much power under these cold wet conditions... then you have the ice and freezing fog to contend with as well.... :shock: :doh: and there's aways something nice and hard to hit on our roads when you do loose it.
Heavy foot is best left for the track. ;-)
Good luck with the van!

mad max

Van fixed (numb nuts ) thats me ,for got to connect the power supply back to the glow plugs thanks again for the replies.