dialy driver?!

Marci GTi-R

New Member

I was wondering how many of you guys use your gti-r as a daily driver?

If not how often do you use your R and how many miles do you cover?

I use mine as a daily when it´s not being tuned! lol




Mine's a daily driver. Snow up to the door sills in winter, gravel roads, dirt and potholes in the summer. I don't do that much mileage but I do take it out every day!


New Member
I used mine every day for 2 years, doing 50 miles a day to work and back, then a few 100mile round trips each week to North Wales.

Was only running 300bhp using usual shite mods and the only problems i had were a dodgy fuel pump relay oh and a snapped conrod after a spirited drive down the M6 toll.


Active Member
Yep, and have done for the last 5 years. A few years back, I was doing 14k miles a year in it and it didn't and hasn't missed a beat.

It is a bitch when there's heavy congestion though. My clutch doesn't seem to have been designed to be used in heavy traffic !

Luckily, I'm down to around 5 miles a day now. 8)


Had one for 3 years which I used day to day used to have problems with wheel bearings all the time as the roads aint the best round here.

My current R only done 200 miles last year as ive got a run around for work.


New Member
Had mine for 2 years, done less than 1000 miles probably, gets taken for a short hack every other w/e at best. The odd trek down to Santa Pod in between. Really should try to use it more.

Got a Punto GT as my daily driver, 165bhp so it's good in rush hour for squeezing into small gaps quickly.


New Member
I used to use my old one as a daily driver and donr about 8,000 miles a year in it.

Only use this one at weekends and dry days now and it's saving me a fortune! :lol:


New Member
i onwed my beast for 6 years, used everyday to work, took it to france for the odd booze run, germany, a few months ago, and used last week at my cousins wedding


Active Member
Had mine for 2 years and ive only just stopped using it daily, £40 on petrol every 4 days is a bit much for my wallet. Only broke down once, suddenly lost earth to the fuel pump, seperate earth wire soted that. so pretty reliable for an old rally car


I drove mine to and from work everyday for 2 years with out issue, It's only when the tuning bug took hold that it's spent anytime off the road, I had it back on the road up here in Scotland for about a year and half before this rebuild.

I'd say over my 6 years of ownership the only problem I've ever had is the clutch going and brake pads, Piston ring lands where my fault so don't count lol.



New Member
had mine for 6 years or so driving her daily 30-60 miles a day, not really had any major problems only c.v gators, and radiator sprung a leak all other problems have been down to me such as boost hoses flying off etc lol


done 5,000 miles in mine in just over four years of ownership. only gets used on dry summer days so as you'd imagine it dont get used much. Got a audi a4 as a daily driver :thumbsup:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
used as a daily driver for four yrs on the 20th of Sept!:D averaging £40-£60 on juice a week depending on wether i go to shows or the like.

last saturday i drove to santa pod from the southend area for the FIA finals then on sunday i drove to slapton almost 300 miles away near torquay, plus fannying around:twisted: iv easily a 1000 miles in a week:shock:


New Member
I use mine as the daily driver, most of the driving through the sticks. Very reliable, hasnt let me down once, only issue I have is sometimes it just clicks like a machine gun to start but still always ends up starting, which if I can figure out where the bad earth causing this it`ll be spot on. Brilliant cars, I absolutely love mine,:thumbsup: