What are the symptons of the det sensor cutting in? Ever since i put the engine back in my car the ecu keeps cutting the boost to 0.5 bar (fault code test comes up clear :?: ), sometimes it does it the first time i boot it but sometimes its ok for 20 mins or so. I have to turn the car off and leave it for about 10 mins before the boost goes back to normal.
I'm running standard boost with a top mount but before i had the engine out the det sensor never used to cut in (not even on hot days after being stuck in traffic).
When i first drove the car after putting the engine back i was getting fault code 13 (engine temp sensors) cos i left the coolant temp connector off
Sorted that but it still cuts the boost :?: :?: :?:
I've cleaned up the 2 earths on the inlet manifold and checked and cleaned all the connectors, maf sensor etc,
Any idea's :?:
I'm running standard boost with a top mount but before i had the engine out the det sensor never used to cut in (not even on hot days after being stuck in traffic).
When i first drove the car after putting the engine back i was getting fault code 13 (engine temp sensors) cos i left the coolant temp connector off
I've cleaned up the 2 earths on the inlet manifold and checked and cleaned all the connectors, maf sensor etc,
Any idea's :?: