Deleting brackets


Active Member
Has anyone left off the transfer end casing bracket as per the group n manual?Just wondered if it would cause any long term effect as it wouldn't have mattered on the rally cars due to regular rebuilds. In theory that brackets helps support the front diff and o/s driveshaft so without it your relying on the casing bolts. Or is it just Nissan over engineering. Any thoughts chaps?


New Member
I have and even into making aluminum ones for the other Brackets. There are Quiet a few brackets that or over engineered imo.


Staff member
Is it a sort of triangle-shaped one? If so, that's on my garage floor because we didn't see any need to put that back in. - I'd argue that on a road car the belts-and-braces aren't really needed because you're never going to put as much stress on it as a rally car.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
ive fitted the end bracket that goes from the block (under the pas pump) to the transfer box above the driveshaft seal.

everything else is away, been like that for 10 years including a few trackdays


Active Member
@George, yes it's kind of triangle shaped, there is actually another bracket that bolts to that aswell @Martyn, so you don't use the big bracket that bolts on top of the transfer and attaches to the block?


Active Member
Oh right, I've refitted all except the end bracket so maybe I'll have another look before I put the rest together.Thanks for the replies gents .