Damaged car during engine removal :(

Hi guys,

Just wondering how easy it is to replace the slam pannel (strip of metal on front of engine bay where bonnet catch, rad fans etc are bolted to).... i think it's called the slam pannel?
Whilst i was lifting the front of the car up over the engine with a crane, the chain (that i had secured to front lower brace) has pulled against the shitting slam pannel and buckled it all badly :doh:

The pannel seems like its spot welded on, as well as bolted on?


slam panel is just bolt on, its a 10 minute job to change and we have some in stock if needed


New Member
What I do is drop engine onto floor with crane, then put a plank of wood between arb mounts n jack the car up on the bit of wood till I can slide engine out.


Staff member
Mine got bent the last time my engine came out too. - I just bent it back in to shape and gave it a bit of a respray. Perfect? No, but then there's plenty worse to take the attention away from it.


Active Member
Mate you should have said you'd started - I'm more than willing to give you a hand if you need it. You Dad drove past me only the other week in it.
cheers guys for the responses. I'll be contacting you soon boby as I need some spare parts for the re-build.
Good tip Williams by the way ;) I always find it a right pain using a crane anyways, as the legs always get in the way and i have to liflt the front so high in the air. Your method will rid me of this problem though, thanks.
Smo: Wasn't my car mate you saw, it's been off the road since December. Thanks for the offer, I'll have to give you a txt soon chap. Got the engine sat in my shed now so need to start stripping it down.


Active Member
You on about the slam pannel big metal part behind the bumper or lower down were the rad goes etc im sure someone bent that part doing same as you is that what you mean, that panel is the whole front were the lights go through all around there
No mate i mean the strip of metal that the bonnet slams down on. It's also the bit where you lean on when your trying to find what the hell has gone wrong with the car again lol.