Damage after crash


New Member
After hitting a curb and landing in a hedge nearly a year ago i've finally got the r ready to go back on the road. I've had the car checked to see if anything is bent by my mechanic and he reckons everything is sound
Now my mate was following me the other day and says that he noticed my right front wheel was sitting at a noticable angle (as in the top of the wheel is furher out than the bottom) and it pulls slightly to the left, any ideas on what's bent as the mechanic reckons getting the tracking done will fix it although surely it can't be out by that much???


The tracking wont fix this if it's sticking out at the top, that means the camber is all wrong. You could have a bent strut or maybe wishbone.

How do you know the body wasn't bent when you crashed it?, Have you had it checked properly at a body shop with a jig?.

I'd get it booked in as soon as I'v found out if it's a bent strut/wishbone or not. You don't want to be taking chances with your life at 70mph matey.



New Member
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^what Rob said.

Id defo invest in a check on the jig after removing the possibility of it being bent suspension, lower arm, anti roll bar etc etc, not worth the risk.

Once the above is ticked off the list i would defo have the tracking and camber checked too as im sure with an impact like that it would have been knocked out, it doesn't take much tbh.


Fast Guy

Staff member
Check the steering tie rod as well, as it could have been bent if the impact was hard enough.


New Member
Ok cheers for the reply's, gonna get it booked in on jig next week and go from there :(