Dakar/ RB gear box?


New Member
Hi everyone. I have been told my R has a dakar/RB gearbox how would i be able to find out if it has? 5th gear broke last night :doh: and i also cannot find reverse now so will be replacing the box. I have been told these boxes are extremly rare and few and far between, I will be selling the box once it is out and have been told i should be able to get a fair price for it because of it's rareity. Any info on them wou be great as this is my firsr R and have only had it two weeks! Cheers:thumbsup:


Scotty said:
Hi everyone. I have been told my R has a dakar/RB gearbox how would i be able to find out if it has? 5th gear broke last night :doh: and i also cannot find reverse now so will be replacing the box. I have been told these boxes are extremely rare and few and far between, I will be selling the box once it is out and have been told i should be able to get a fair price for it because of it's rarity. Any info on them would be great as this is my first R and have only had it two weeks! Cheers:thumbsup:

First off I've corrected the above 5 years olds spelling :roll: :doh: .

As for the box, Why would a broken box with maybe 4 good gears left if you are lucky be worth anything at all ?, Its not like anybody really wants a box that gives to a top speed of 125-130mph anyway, My old one drove me bonkers and I was almost glad when the car went up in flames :shock: , Not only did it drive me mad with the high revs all the time it only did 90 miles to a full tank of fuel :roll: :shock: .

You may get fifty quid for it if you're lucky.


Fire & skill

Vintage member
you'd know if you had an RB box - 70mph on the motorway and its screaming its head off.

best thing to do is just buy a std box


New Member
Ok please forgive the spelling as my computer buttons dont alway's work so i apolagise for that, seccond i believe it could be an RB box with standard 5th gear as it only does 90 in 4th then the rev change between 4th and 5th is massive as in 7000rpm in 4th to 4000rpm in 5th. So its quick accelerating and still has the top end.


Scotty said:
Ok please forgive the spelling as my computer buttons don't always work so I apologise for that, second I believe it could be an RB box with standard 5th gear as it only does 90 in 4th then the rev change between 4th and 5th is massive as in 7000rpm in 4th to 4000rpm in 5th. So its quick accelerating and still has the top end.
You could be right I suppose, But it still doesn't make it any more valuable does it, For a start the RB box parts are expensive if bought from Nissan and very hard to find second hand, So if you find someone with a blown one looking for part you could get lucky, But I doubt it as not many people have them, Maybe FASTFOOL will buy it off you for spares for his.


Fast Guy

Staff member
The RB box will only do around 123mph at 7500rpm in 5th depending on the diammeters of your tyres.
I don't drop to 4000rpm when I hit 5th, maybe you had a longer 5th gear fitted?


New Member
Ok thanks for the help, what im thinking of doing is getting it repaired once its out as i am going to get a 2nd had box asap. It was starting to get on my nerves anyway so will be nice to have a std box in it. This is where i need the advice! Ok my car is running approx 310bhp any advice on the box will a 2nd hand one be ok for that? General advice on this would be great cheers


Odin said:
You could be right I suppose, But it still doesn't make it any more valuable does it, For a start the RB box parts are expensive if bought from Nissan and very hard to find second hand, So if you find someone with a blown one looking for part you could get lucky, But I doubt it as not many people have them, Maybe FASTFOOL will buy it off you for spares for his.


was my fault lol, i thought they maybe worth a few quid as they are quite rare and (i thought)sought after! so hes only going on what ive told him. so im actually the mongtard for passing this info onto him:der:

obviously they are not as sought after as i originally thought they were.


pulsarboby said:
obviously they are not as sought after as i originally thought they were.

They are OK if you do sprints and hill climes, But do you really fancy driving everywhere with it sounding like you're ragging the nuts off it :doh: :cry: .

The higher 5th gear is an option I suppose but would be rubbish if you planned on doing 1/4 mile drag racing, Because you need to use 5th to cross the line with that box.
