D1 drift yesterday


New Member
Any one else go?

Was very disappointed considering tickets were £20 and it was a 300 mile 4hr round trip.

Wasnt as many of the japs there as last octobers event. Between 1245 and 320 absolutly nothing happened whatsoevever apart from shaggys greatest hits being played over the tannoy. Fair enough if they wanted it to last all day, but you need to have more than 2 1/2hrs of anything happening on the track to fill it. The drifting its self when they were actually running was good though.


Yes mate, I was there. Same for me, was largely disappointed. There was nothing going on in the paddock area, only some tit on a mic giving away goodie bags. The pit walk was ok, but there was a distinct lack of atmosphere in there.

When the actual drifting was going on it was ok, but me and the missus left after the pit walk as there was nothing else going on.

Poor overall, but hey, got me out the house ;-)


I went to the first round and think they need to re-look at the running of the event. I applaud their promotion of the D1/Time Attack, can't fault that, they have been everywhere promoting it, but I personally didn't know what was going on in both competitions, and if spectators don't know how to follow the leaderboard easily, then it gets boring very quickly.

Even the D1, dare I say it, got repetitive after a while, once you've seen the near perfect endless drifting through most of the set course, acute degree angles and close apex corning, its difficult to get excited about the next car that isn't so good.

They need a large digital screen showing an update leaderboad of scores for the D1 which will keep the interest as they pop up, and times for the time attack event should be shown as they cross the line too.

And re the time attack, I'm not sure 5 rounds of single times is the way to go either. I know its time attack, but I would rather see them have an open pit for an hour (or half an hour for half the field, then another half for the next half), far better for spectators and it shows the true performance of the car with loads of runs which is what its all about. After all, a one lap timed event can be down to the driver, but we always want to know what the fastest car was, not who was the best driver!

Just my pennys worth. ;)