Cut off my 5 incher today!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mongoose tailpipe that is :lol:

I've gone for more of a rally slag look and welded on a straight bit of 3 inch pipe 8)

Anyone want a slightly burnt 5" tailpipe :lol:

Quality mongoose welding :roll:



Well-Known Member
BenD said:
Bloody Chav :roll:

ive got Gregs old flamer kit here if you want to mount that :lol:
I can think of somewhere you can mount it Ben :wink:

Right up your a**e :twisted: Dont need no sh*tty flamer kit :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
looks like you could use some new tyres too Mark :lol: total :shock: at the mongoose welding, it looks like iv done it after a pub session :lol:

looks fine though 8) does it sound nice and raspy?


Well-Known Member
Yes my tyres are slightly worn :lol: 4 eagle F1's are on the way though 8)

Dont know what it sounds like yet cos i havent put any petrol in yet after my dumb moment the other week :oops: :oops: :oops:

Cant see it sounding much different to be honest.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
MarkTurbo said:
Dont know what it sounds like yet cos i havent put any petrol in yet after my dumb moment the other week :oops: :oops: :oops:

Cant see it sounding much different to be honest.
yeah it will, loads. less BWOAR more rasp on boost. what you need is 1bar :wink: then you can hear the difference properly :lol: i refused to re-fit a 5inch tail pipe to mine after the old jap one rotted.
i got sent a 5"tail with my 3" system by accident it was fooking huuge :lol:


Well-Known Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
yeah it will, loads. less BWOAR more rasp on boost. what you need is 1bar :wink: then you can hear the difference properly :lol:
Hopefully it'll sound more raspy then, i like the sound of that 8) Its at a little bit more than 1 bar now too :wink:


Well-Known Member
You were right Stu :wink: Its a hell of a lot quieter on idle :shock: I bet the neighbours are pleased :lol:

Havent been out to see what it sounds like on boost yet though :roll:


:shock: looks like a piece of scaffold pole welded on mate :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
Mark it' ll sound mint :wink: i' ll have to show you what a 3" goose with a 3.5" tail sounds like at castle combe ...but not on the track :( :lol:



Well-Known Member
stomski said:
:shock: looks like a piece of scaffold pole welded on mate :wink:
thats pikeys for ya :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i think hes done a good job 8)
Thanks jimmy 8) As you said i've made a good job of it i'll let you off calling me a pikey

F o o k i n g scaffold pole :roll: :lol: :lol:


New Member
looks o k i suppose :wink:

iv just put a 5" on mine and on idle it gives it a nice bubbly gurgly sound, prefer this then the 3" but will find out when i start the motorway journeys again :shock:


MarkTurbo said:
On idle it sounds less like a nova with a peco big bore now :lol:

But more like a ten pipe saxo :shock: :roll: .
