Cracked ebay style manifold


New Member
Anybody got one of those cheap ebay style manifolds for sale? im looking at one that has cracked ideally as my local engineering firm are confident they can stop it cracking, how i dont know.

Just need it as cheap as possible please.


New Member
gtirneil said:
m looking at one that has cracked ideally as my local engineering firm are confident they can stop it cracking, how i dont know.
By putting it in the bin :thumbsup:


New Member
Lol ram it Andy

Ive no idea what there going to do with it but as you say probably bin it is the best thing.

Kev i need a cracked one really, if none come up though i might just take that.


Staff member
I know DanDud's cracked recently, I think he has finally gone back to a standard doesn't break does the job manifold.

Neil, have you looked into porting the standard manifold. It took me about 2 to 3 hours with the right bit of kit and isn't stopping me making lots of hp.


Staff member
Afraid not Neil but it is a well trodden path. Kirko and Steve P both did this before me. Stumo convinced me not to go down the aftermarket route, partly because of Dan's busted after market jobbie and partly because I've not ported my head. That is where the first bottleneck will be on my engine.

TBH, there is loads of metal arounf the ports of the OE manifold and its pretty easy just to take it out all round and smooth a few bottle necks.