couple of questions


New Member
firstly this may seem like a silly question but is the cusco catch tank the same as the forge oil seperator in the job that it does???

secondly on my hks gtrs have play in and out and a very tiny amount side to side is this ok as im not sure which type of bearings it uses???



Active Member
They're not the same.A catch tank fills up and has to be emptied.The forge connects back to your sump and also has a drain.

The GTRS has roller bearings I think and should have a small amount of play.


New Member
just to make sure is it ok to remove the compressor housing does it use a gasket or anything or can i just remove the housing from the compressor wheel? and are the bearings oil fed?? so if there is no oil in the turbo will the bearings have more movement than when there is oil in it??


i would say the cusco one is better as caught oil should no be sent back to sump as it been contaminated with combustion gases from the blow by condition


New Member
hi just found out the gtrs has roller bearings will this make a difference in the amount of play?? if so where can i get some new bearings put in or where can i obtain them and fit them myself