copper problems


gtir drew

Who can sort this out then cos no matter what i do i cant solve this problem. Whanever i take my car out around Leicster or Melton i get pulled :x . As many of you will no this realy starts to pee you off.


if you can handle some serious stuff and you are completley legal go to your local cop shop and as to speak to the big man and tell him you want to report harassment by his fellow officers.

this is not for the faint hearted. :twisted:


go to a solicitor get them to write you a letter to the chief constable of leicestershire police.

they will say that they are acting on your behalf listing your facts of complaint and basicaly warning them that if the solicitor receives further instruction ( a warning shot if you like) from you then they will sue for harasment.

That should do the job nicely.


gtir drew

The most annoying thing this morning was the copper checked all my details then when he had finished he told me that if i was going to go mad then turn around and go out of town some where. Just what was his problem?


some of the Police have a power trip every time they pull someone over.

The fact is that bery few poeple will challenge the law

(take speed cameras for example many poeple simply pay up on unjust or non existnet evidence without even questioning the facts).

If you feel strongly enough then write to the police complaints authority or get a solicitor to write a letter as i said previously.

It would be easier to prove if it was the same copper that kept pulling you up otherwise you are likely to be hit with the must be somthing about your driving sir.



Why is it you are getting pulled?

The Police Officers that pull you must give you some reason. It is unlawful for them to simply pull you for no reason at all. It is usually because you have committed a traffic or other offence or they suspect you may have committed something similar.

Stopping someone purely to check their driving documents are up together is not usually a valid reason on its own unless they have information about a person or a vehicle to justify a stop. If this is not the case then they may not be acting lawfully.

When you get stopped again you are entitled to know why you have been stopped or their grounds for stopping you. e.g. poor driving, car not up together, too noisy etc.. If you feel that you have been unjustly stopped then you may have a case, particularly if it is a frequent occurrence.

If you are serious about the complaint, I would start recording each incident with as much detail as possible, take down collar numbers and names of officers and witnesses, time and date each incident and particularly record the reasons why you have been stopped and any actions that were taken. If you have been committing offences each time then you havn't really got a case. Once you have all of this you will be well armed to speak to your duty Inspector at your local nick and if there is no joy there, seek further advice from a solicitor.

The bottom line is, the Police have to justify everthing they do - if they cannot justify what they have done then they are in the wrong and you will have a good case against them. Good luck.