compressor housing cracks


Active Member

Took the exhaust outlet of my tubby today..

The turbine looks fine but there are some cracks in the compressor housing starting at the wastegate valve opening. There's four of the buggers between 1 to 2 cm long. 1 runs from the wastegate valve toward where the exhaust elbow / outlet joins and is nearly up to the lip.

They don't show from the outside of the housing.

Will these continue to get worse and eventually crack through the housing?

Does increased boost make them grow faster or cause them in the first place or is it just 13 years of stupid temperatures that buggers the casting??

GeeTee 8)


Active Member
They do get hairline cracks in the turbine housing(comp is cold side),especially round the wastegate-it's fine unless they go all way through to outside.


Active Member
I guess I'll know when it gets too bad as it won't hold boost properly eh?

Another thing to start saving some pennies for.

GeeTee 8)


This is a common problem apparently, mine was the same when I took the turbo off. I wouldn't worry too much as long as there isnt any play in the wheel.

Fast Guy

Staff member
You can get the housings welded up. Universal Turbos (I think) did the one on my monty (top repair) and that had a big crack in it.


As long as the shafts ok and not worn, and it makes boost and holds it well enough don't worry about it, seen many Garret T3 turbos with cracks there and they still work fine today, i would imagine the heat and stress has a lot to do with it. 8)


Yeah small cracks should be fine. I wouldnt expect it to be alot to get a housing changed anyway.

Dads rx7 manifold and exhaust housing cracked to the point that they were severely blowing- turbo-technics changed the housing for under 500 quid, and thats twice the work than normal because theres a compressor on each end of the exhaust housing on an rx.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies.

There is a tiny bit of play in the shaft. But no somke yet nd it makes and holds boost fine.

I'll just sling it back on and wait for the inevitable :)

GeeTee 8)