Compomotive finish


New Member
Having had a set of 16" TH wheels earlier and recently purchased a set of 17" M06
for my R there is an issue that gets me thinking...
The quality of the wheels is well proven and without a doubt great, it is the finish I am concerned about.
My new set have some small flaws that clearly is caused in production such as small dents
under the paint and a little thing here and there.
These are small things but makes me wonder if it is common that Compomotive is a bit
"rougher in the edges" when it comes to factory finish.
Glad for any response as this is irritating me.


Active Member
there rally rims and people have to like it or lump it i think with the finish i think ive had 2-3 new sets onm different cars and the finish paint is far to thin and small defects like u say
dont mind so much when u get them cheap though


have litterally just had a set of 15" TH's arrive here today from Comp and have to say i thought the finish had a few small defects on each wheel, but its only something small which won't be noticed on the car, only when i'm perving when geting them out of the box


New Member
most people dont get them cheap though if i was paying upwards of 700 pounds for some wheels i would expect them to be perfect to be honest , you could return them for a refund if your not happy as technically they are sub-standard