Coming To A Pulsar Soon


New Member
Hi guys just wanted to say hello again i purchased a pulsar last year but was forced into selling it due to being unpaid for work i did for a company .........

Yes i was GUTTED, but i needed the money to keep me out of trouble with the bank and was forced to come out of self employment.

Anyway i have a new job and earning decent enough money and in 3-5 months i will be looking for another pulsar. HEHE i said to dooie "I'll be back".

I have recently had stirring and erotic dreams about once again driving a pulsar and am already day dreaming and salavating about owning one for a long while now.

hope u've all been ok and maybe i might come up to a show or two in my van :(


New Member
come along to the RR day and have a chat with some of the members, its at engine advantages in whitham on the 20th of august.

click on me sig for more details.