Club T-Shirts update


Staff member
Hi all

Just a quick note to let you all know what’s going on with the club T-Shirts.

We or should I say, I have finally got round to placing the order for the club T-Shirts earlier this week and they are on schedule for completion in 2 - 3 weeks time.
One of the reasons the order was placed a little later than planned was that I was waiting on some T-Shirt samples that had been posted by the printers, as I wanted to make sure that the quality and type of T-Shirt I was about to order was ok for the club.. In the end I’m glad my patience held out and I waited, as after receiving a cross section of their T-Shirts I was a little disappointed with the quality of garment I was about to order. I revised the original order to a much better quality garment and placed the order.

Because of the change of garment we are having to pay a little more for the order so the original price of £10 will need to be increased to £12, I hope that’s OK with the members that have already made requests.

On completion they will initially be all delivered to me. I will then distribute to all members who have already made specific size/colour requests.
I also thought that as we are fast approaching the date for JAE , I would take any unsold T-Shirts to the event so they are available for sale to any attending members, they will be on display and available from the club marquee.

Oh yes, that’s the other thing were changing, the club marquee. We thought it sensible that with any proceeds gained from the club T-Shirts this year will be put towards buying a far more substantial club marquee and club banners, something that would be able to accommodate more members comfortably and hopefully also serving to raise the clubs profile a little.

Anyway, that’s about it for now

Will let you all know what’s going on when theirs something to tell
